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AutoDraw and Ban??


13 members have voted

  1. 1. AutoDraw and ban or alone Draw?

    • AutoDraw and Ban. Within the first 10 minutes
    • AutoDraw only. in the first 5 minutes

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  • Poll closed on 03/07/2022 at 09:46 PM

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Hola chicos. Saludos a todos. Quiero plantear un tema que esta pasando muy frecuente.
Hay jugadores que se van cuando se esta cargando el juego o se salen por que nos les gusta el Heroe designado. 
Nose si seria mejor AutoDraw Y ban para jugadores que abandonan antes de los 10 minutos y que la votacion para poner !ff se pueda activar antes del torneo nose si se puede?? @Enber y la otra opcion seria AutoDraw sin baneos. Solo tocara reportar al jugador. Asi hay juegos mas entretenidos. Por favor comunidad voten su criterio. Muchas Gracias por su atencion.

Saludos Att: Diego

//   Ingles


Hi guys. Greetings to all. I want to raise a topic that is happening very frequently.
There are players who leave when the game is loading or they leave because they don't like the designated Hero.
I don't know if it would be better AutoDraw Y ban for players who leave before 10 minutes and that the vote to put !ff can be activated before the tournament I don't know if it can?? @Enber and the other option would be AutoDraw without bans. Just have to report the player. So there are more entertaining games. Please community vote your criteria. Thank you very much for your attention.

Greetings Att: Diego

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  • Root admin

There are a lot of issue for auto ban afk/line steal/disconect/newbie are people who don't deserve ban

autodraw can work if 2 player left for frist 3 min and ban for stay rate

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Ситуации ведь разные бывают, могут свет отключить, у кого-то компьютер выключается сам, как у меня например. Это слишком серьёзный подход будет, к данному предложению, тем более сейчас много новых игроков, а данное решение повлияет в будущем на количество людей играющих на карте hvsa. Так что прежде чем устанавливать такие приложения, нужно всё взвесить😁🤗

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  • Owner

Of course, autoban/autodrive would be nice, but unfortunately there is no such thing in our version of the host bot, we need to do it  "manually" and only Temka_sd can do it. He is aware of this wish and I hope he will implement these new functions for us in the near future.

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On 2/7/2022 at 12:50 PM, Zeustv said:

There are a lot of issue for auto ban afk/line steal/disconect/newbie are people who don't deserve ban

autodraw can work if 2 player left for frist 3 min and ban for stay rate

This is what appeals are for. If you had any of these problems, they would remove the ban. I also like the idea of Zeus. If you have game stats if they give you a ban. but it must be more complicated. I don't think there will be any problems with them appealing. This will take more work for the root admin. since there will be many appeals and they will have to decide whether to remove the ban or not.

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  • Owner
11 hours ago, antinoobs said:

just put all pick for the players and stop random heros, so stupid, in dota or league of legends u can pick ur hero, and here is random, so stupid, go put it -ap and stop this shit with -ar

yeah, lets make hvsa more boring, cuz after we set -ap mode, there will be all matches with same heroes

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  • Root admin
On 2/9/2022 at 4:13 AM, Diego1235 said:

This is what appeals are for. If you had any of these problems, they would remove the ban. I also like the idea of Zeus. If you have game stats if they give you a ban. but it must be more complicated. I don't think there will be any problems with them appealing. This will take more work for the root admin. since there will be many appeals and they will have to decide whether to remove the ban or not.

no, is not for that appeals

ppl cry about leavers but they never raport.. better do massive bans

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On 2/13/2022 at 3:57 AM, antinoobs said:

just put all pick for the players and stop random heros, so stupid, in dota or league of legends u can pick ur hero, and here is random, so stupid, go put it -ap and stop this shit with -ar

What a bullshit man xd

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08.02.2022 в 19:14, InNeGabLe-Rus сказал:

Ситуации ведь разные бывают, могут свет отключить, у кого-то компьютер выключается сам, как у меня например. Это слишком серьёзный подход будет, к данному предложению, тем более сейчас много новых игроков, а данное решение повлияет в будущем на количество людей играющих на карте hvsa. Так что прежде чем устанавливать такие приложения, нужно всё взвесить😁🤗


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