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Report on the player Darkmoon from the server EuropeBattle
  1. Author Googlo
  2. Date
  3. Status rejected
Violation description

hello I was Bismarsh in game #359 , I want report for the next reasons:

1) admin "darkmoon" for abuse, he kicked me without reason at min 49

2) players "keee" and "fireice369[jyp]" for share gold on scrolls at min 44


- how u can see in pic below darkmoon wrote " !kick bis "


- in this pic u can see player green share control to pink for get scroll


- in this pic below green said in spanish to darkmoon: tell to pink that buy me scroll because he had ignored him ( !ignore keee)



- so this "admin" tell to pink the next


resume: in game log u can see chat between  darkmoon and keee, and u will realize that he didnt buy scroll for dh because his chest was near of panda´s shop so they ask to pink for get the scroll.


thx for the time to read report

best regards 


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Además el abuse votekick se debe a que esa mierda nunca aporto nada pasaba muriendo por eso lo kickeo

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esos par de ascos como siempre irrespetando las reglas ahora da ban por todo si haces spam, ban si no sacas aura ban, si estas de troll en el juego ban -haha, que pena ajena da ese asco


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dog keeeeee not the first time share gold. Need to give a ban for a longer time. Let the dishonest monkey play with a VPN and spam chat insults 

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23 minutes ago, Delv said:

dog keeeeee not the first time share gold. Need to give a ban for a longer time. Let the dishonest monkey play with a VPN and spam chat insults 

-cry delv ezzzz dark ranger


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Delv: *They ban him because he leaves the game like a crybaby* Automatically: *He sucks enber's ass in the appels*

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honestly [i thought someone alliance share gold? otherwise im sorry i usually NEVER let someone buy me anything 

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woof, woof, woof, stop this doggy.
What do you want little monkey? I don't want bananas, thank you. And I'm not giving you any money, leave me alone. I'll ask Putin not to supply grain to poor countries, so you die of starvation in your home (TV box), хи-хи-хи.

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He says for no reason, because you don't show the repetition well. The counter was at "zero" and you were going to leave anyway. And on the other hand, at no time did we pass gold to the DH, so I don't know what your report is about. 

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6 hours ago, Brian said:

He says for no reason, because you don't show the repetition well. The counter was at "zero" and you were going to leave anyway. And on the other hand, at no time did we pass gold to the DH, so I don't know what your report is about. 

No entiendo porque hace el reporte si es otra perra sucia de los chs jaja


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11 hours ago, Brian said:

He says for no reason, because you don't show the repetition well. The counter was at "zero" and you were going to leave anyway. And on the other hand, at no time did we pass gold to the DH, so I don't know what your report is about. 

that is not true, the countdown was not 0:00, i dont know how they can check that u are lying, but if u see replay in normal time mode, u will see when pink wrote "!votekick bis" as a joke cuz he put "xxDD" u automatically wrote "!kick bis", u didnt give time at all. 

and this is beside the point, but I have Gproxy so I wont get dc...

looooool u are saying ur team didnt share gold[x3] horde vs alliance #359 - 18-11-22.w3g???? when u was who tell pink to bought scroll for dh hahaha, come bro, watch replay , u have bad memory 

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19 minutes ago, Googlo said:

eso no es cierto, la cuenta regresiva no era 0:00, no sé cómo pueden verificar que estás mintiendo, pero si ves la repetición en el modo de tiempo normal, verás cuando Pink escribió "! Votekick bis" como una broma porque él puso "xxDD" automáticamente escribiste "!kick bis", no diste tiempo en absoluto. 

y esto no viene al caso, pero tengo Gproxy, así que no obtendré dc...

looooool estás diciendo que tu equipo no compartió el oro[x3] horda vs alianza #359 - 18-11-22.w3g???? cuando fuiste tú quien le dijo a pink que comprara scroll para dh jajaja, ven hermano, mira la repetición, tienes mala memoria 

hahaha sure, if I'm going to take you out because I just feel like it and if I told "fire" to buy him but nobody bought anything from the DH if we were losing anyway, so your report I had a good time for the eggs. The root administrators will know what to do, so I don't care about your report. So have fun little person with no social life xd 😉 

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45 minutes ago, Googlo said:

that is not true, the countdown was not 0:00, i dont know how they can check that u are lying, but if u see replay in normal time mode, u will see when pink wrote "!votekick bis" as a joke cuz he put "xxDD" u automatically wrote "!kick bis", u didnt give time at all. 

and this is beside the point, but I have Gproxy so I wont get dc...

looooool u are saying ur team didnt share gold[x3] horde vs alliance #359 - 18-11-22.w3g???? when u was who tell pink to bought scroll for dh hahaha, come bro, watch replay , u have bad memory 

De igual forma te puede kickear si tu eres otro chs rata pulgosa

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On 11/22/2022 at 5:43 AM, Delv said:

dog keeeeee not the first time share gold. Need to give a ban for a longer time. Let the dishonest monkey play with a VPN and spam chat insults 

my bad, i will start with 30 days

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