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Unban appeal from ToP_IgRoK@RuBattle

Info about the appeal
  1. Appellant 1_Rezak_1
  2. Date
  3. Status Accepted
  4. Description

    my nickname is ToP_IgRoK.that's the schmuck darkmoon banned me for saying that the team sucks there is no help.although it is not what kind of help! they played cleanly in the yard and also shared things between the sub

Info about the ban
  1. Admin darkmoon
  2. The game [X3] HORDE VS ALLIANCE #299
  3. Reason troll game
  4. Unbanned by Zeustv
  5. Time of unban
  • Make a decision



learn to play as a team and stop blaming your team because they kill you, you piece of shit

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what the fuck kind of team is there.they took out the forest together and took everything for themselves. is this how it is done in the team?

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