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Unban appeal from MuxaLucha@RuBattle

Info about the appeal
  1. Appellant MuxaLucha
  2. Date
  3. Status Accepted
  4. Description
    good night !
    I want to appeal for the reason that they gave me a ban for leaver and I was not aura and I told my team to say ff, two of them said yes and the game was lost. They banned me for no reason. I didn't know there was an admin, otherwise I would have warned him.
Info about the ban
  1. Admin Baki-Hanma
  2. The game [X3] HORDE VS ALLIANCE #156
  3. Reason leaver
  4. Unbanned by Zeustv
  5. Time of unban
  • Make a decision



Buenas noches, me hubieses dicho que te ibas porque no querían dar !ff al menos amigo, solo sigo la regla, lo lamento, no estabas feedeando, y era 5vs5, por eso apliqué el baneo, saludos.


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Buenas noches, avisé que me iba del juego dos veces di ff, no sabía que eras admin, si no con gusto avisaba

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